English Essay Writing and Elocution Competition

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“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” – Martin Luther.
St. Francis Xavier’s High School organised an English essay writing competition for students of std IV to X and Elocution Competition for students of standard V to X on 27th July, 2023. Different topics were given to them for the competition. All essays were judged on their content, relevance to the theme and novelty of ideas. After a thorough assessment, 3 participants from each class were chosen as winners. For the Elocution competition, ever participant was given precisely 2 minutes to speak on the topic. It was indeed astounding to see how beautifully students had put their thoughts, insights, humour and delivered the speech of consciousness which was fluent, erudite and articulate. The parameter for judgement was content, fluency, confidence and presentation.

The event was a great success. It successfully achieves its objectives of engaging the students to stretch themselves intellectually with assimilation and impressive expression.

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