Report on Independence Day

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Date:::: 15th August 2023

Day:::::: Tuesday

Time:::: 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.

Venue:: St Francis Xavier’s High School, Naigaon (West)

The 76th Independence Day was celebrated in our school on 15th August with great zeal and patriotic fervor. The school premises and classrooms were decorated with beautiful artifacts, flags and balloons to commemorate the day. All the students and teachers gathered on the school football turf in the morning.

The National Flag was hoisted by Our Manager Sir Mr. Benedict Pereira. National Anthem was sung on hoisting the National flag with great joy by everyone. Our Manager Sir discussed in brief the significance of Independence Day and he even highlighted the present political and social situation and consequences faced by the people which is ruining the peace in the society. A solemn speech was given by the School Principal to pay homage to the brave martyrs of the country.

After that, melodious patriotic song was sung by the students of STD X. Dhanashree Naik from STD 9 then expressed her views on the Independence Day. An inspiring skit, depicting Unity in diversity was presented by Primary section students. The program was ended by giving vote of thanks.

Teacher’s Incharge